Kingston's Anti-Racism Working Group
Empowering BIPOC voices, Kingston’s Anti-Racism Working Group drives systemic change through advocacy, education, and collaboration, spearheading initiatives like the Anti-Racism Task Force to dismantle barriers and foster equity for all.
About Us
The ARWG is a community-led group consisting of BIPOC (aka Racialized individuals) and its mandate includes advancing equity and inclusion, improving access to justice, the introduction of educational programs about systemic racism, advocating for change, and making sure that systemic racism barriers are eliminated. One initiative of the ARWG is the formation of the Kingston Anti-Racism Task Force. Currently co-chaired by two founding members of the ARWG, Aba Mortley & Bhavana Varma, the Anti-Racism Task Force consists of a group of institutional leaders responsible for designing and developing strategy based on input and recommendations from the ARWG.
How do I join Kingston's Anti-Racism Working Group?
New members are encouraged to sign up through the form below. Once filled, our conveners will reach out to you and share the next meeting date.
What initiatives came out of the ARWG?
Two significant initiatives of the Task Force are the development of a community-wide anti-racism awareness campaign to bring awareness, education, and resources on anti-racism, and the facilitation of a partnership with 211-Ontario enabling the use of additional resources in reporting and education.
How many times per year do you meet?
Kingston’s Anti-Racism Working group meets once a month in a hybrid environment. We break during the summers and reconvene in September.
Anti-Racism Working Group Application
Thank you for your interest in joining Kingston’s Anti-Racism Working Group. Please fill out this form to the best of your abilities.